How to Keep Your Trees Healthy This Summer

Many people love to spend their summers outdoors. If they`re not taken care of in a timely manner,summer can be extremely difficult on trees. This blog will review the top five tasks for tree care so that your treesare strong and healthy throughout the summer heat.


Trees that are overgrown should be pruned


This is the most crucial task for tree care. The trees that are overgrown may lack enough light which could lead to greater problems down the road like insect infestations or diseases. If they are too heavythe limbs and branches could be smashed to pieces.


Be cautious when cutting back deadwood. Be sure to trim at a height above the ground so that you don`t risk damaging roots below ground level. Also,you should thoroughly clean the areaand take away the tree`s debris to avoid the entry of pests.


Use a slow-release fertilizer,or a compost mix,to fertilize your trees in early spring.


Fertilizing your trees in early spring is an additional important maintenance task for trees that can affect their health through the summer. The trees are getting ready for summerand may get drained rapidly if they run out of nutrients or water. Slow-release fertilizers are essential nutrients that keep plants well-nourished throughout the year.


Make sure to water trees at most once per weekand not overly often to prevent root rot


The summer months are more depleted than other seasons. It is important to make sure your trees get enough water. Check your soil at least once each week,and offer the trees a drink as needed. However,you should not over-wateras this can lead to root rot problems for the tree.



Be on the lookout for signs of trouble


You should be on the lookout for insects like aphids,beetles. Also,look out for leaf miners,scale insects,whiteflies,and caterpillars. These are easily controlled by using a hose which uses pressure water to spray trees and plants.


To prevent infection spreading,be aware of signs such as leaves turning yellow and dying branches.


Remove fallen fruits


It`s important to get rid of fallen fruits that have fallen on the trees as they can attract wasps and insects that could damage the plants that are in the garden. Instead of using chemicals,it is possible to remove them manually or with a hand rake.


If you require help from a professionalseek it out.


It is important to confirm with a - prior to beginning any task that requires professional assistance,like cutting branches or taking trees from your property,particularly in the case of power lines that might be damaged by the process.

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